There are companies that are considering doing just that. The FBI and the National Football League Commission have taken steps to slacken their employment policies regarding marijuana use. In the case of the FBI, the organization is considering slightly revising their policy which currently rules out any candidates who have smoked pot in the last […]
The Real Reasons Why Employees Either Consider Leaving Or Leave Their Employer – Survey
According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 85% of employees including those who are content in their jobs, are open to talking to recruiters about job opportunities. Eight-five percent including those who liked their jobs. How can that be when employers regularly assert that they want to retain their best employees? Talent Solutions […]
Managing Pessimistic, Defeatist, Gloomy, and Cynical Employees
Just how do you supervise a contrary, jaundiced, or overly aggressive direct report? What’s the magic formula to managing that onerous staffer who will not let a day go by without complaining – about anything? Or the ‘pleasant-on-the-surface’ employee who is really passive-aggressive? What about the gossiper and malcontent who makes sport out of spreading […]
Worried About Your Employees Leaving? Be Proactive Instead of Reactive
Companies put quite a bit of time, money and effort into the recruitment and hiring process. But once the ideal candidate has been hired, all of the energy that was put into finding and hiring the “ideal” candidate suddenly dissipates. There is very little effort invested in employee development and retention once the employee walks […]
Are Your Employees Feeling Unmotivated?
Employers understand that motivated employees are happy employees. But if you have an employee that hates coming to work, it’s not likely that your employee will tell you. The sentiment often reveals itself through a lack of engagement under the guise of missed deadlines, an increase in sick days or time off requests, and decreased […]
The Obvious (And Not So Obvious) Reasons For Absenteeism Issues
As an employer you get that your staff needs occasional time away from work due to illness, a planned vacation, or just to run errands during business hours. But not all absences are created equal. Oftentimes there are personal issues that employers may not be aware of that impact the need for time away from […]
Large Company Employee Retention Techniques That You Can Adopt For Your Business
No one wants to lose their best employees. There have been countless studies done on why employees leave an organization and these studies reveal that employees leave because of career opportunities, more money, poor management and everything in between. It is difficult to prevent your employees from leaving once they have made the decision to […]
Why Shouldn’t Smokers Pay More for Health Insurance?
Employers are being stung by soaring health insurance premiums and desperately need to control their costs. Harmful behaviors, such as smoking, which contribute directly to higher medical bills are a natural target. A study of 20,000 employees showed smokers had more hospital visits per 1,000 (124 vs. 76), had a longer average length of stay […]
Crossing the Line Between Professional and Personal May Violate Your Employees’ Rights
Most managers understand that it is illegal to ask personal questions when interviewing applicants – but often forget that the same rules apply to their employees under certain circumstances. It’s normal to make small talk and chat about your weekend, but when you are the person in charge, delving too deeply into your employees personal […]
Simple Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued
Employees are an integral part of any business yet they are sometimes unintentionally devalued or treated as liabilities. If you want your business to succeed, you have to acknowledge that your employees are an integral part of the success of your business. Do not simply focus on saving money, although it is necessary for any […]
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