Why Easy Small Business HR ?
Many small businesses and non-profits just can’t afford the expense of hiring either an in-house Human Resources professional or a fee for service consultant to implement H.R. strategies and advise on staff management.
EasySmallBusinessHR.com is specifically geared toward these small businesses; your small business!
Easy Small Business HR gives you one stop access to expert, up to date, easy to understand and implement human resources advice and best practices.

Working on improving employee engagement?
EPIC is an Employee Engagement software that gives you the tools and insights to create a workplace culture that encourages engagement, loyalty, and trust.
The information and advice found on our podcasts, email newsletters and products is invaluable advice for your business regardless of the type or size of your business.
Sound advice and guidance based on 20+ years of experience in human resources management and consultation to front line supervisors, senior managers, and employees at one of the nations top Ivy League universities and premier health care facilities in the Northeast.
When hiring a consultant can cost hundreds of dollars per hour, Easy Small Business HR is not only a welcome alternative, but a smart choice for savvy business owners.
Let me know what you think of the site.
Dianne has been quoted in several publications
“Small Employers Unfazed By Growing Credit Report Limits“, Wall Street Journal
“Five Tips For Confidently Speaking Up At Meetings“, CNN Living
“Lift Poor Performers To a Higher Level“, Chief Executive.Net
“Office vs. Cubicle: What’s Better For Your Career“, Career Builder
“Searching For a Seasonal Job? Six Ways To Stand Out“, AOL Jobs
“Dress To Impress, Not Stress The Hiring Manager“, Society of Human Resources Management, (SHRM)
“10 On Ramps To Successful Onboarding“, The Ladders
“What Career Lessons Are You Most Thankful For?“, Career Builder
“Reversing Course“, Dermatology World
“WorkWise: Magic Bullet in Your Job Hunt“, Modesto Bee
“The Problem With 360 Reviews”, CVENT
“Career Tips & Trends 022: Dianne Shaddock Austin – An Insiders View”, Appia
“The One Career Mistake That’ll Set You Back $500,000”, Fast Company
“Top 25 Trendspotters in HR”, HR Examiner
“How To Work With People You Don’t Like”, Career Intelligence
“Overqualified? Hiring Managers Offer These 5 Tips for You“, Career Bliss
“Flirting with Trouble: Office Romances Can Prove Costly“, Business News Daily
Contributing Writers
Dianne Shaddock
Susanna Katsman
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