There are the questions every manager should regularly be asking of themselves: how can I coach my employees to perform at their peak every day? What approach do I take to ensure my staff are playing to their strengths and addressing their areas of weakness?
The Pros and Cons of HR Outsourcing for Small Businesses
Small businesses sometimes struggle when it comes to meeting their HR needs. The time and effort that they want to spend on the business is focused elsewhere to ensure their company is staffed with the best and is meeting all necessary state and federal employment guidelines.
Top 5 Tips for Workplace Safety
If you’re a business owner with a brick and mortar, you’ll possibly be in need of working with contractors on-site at some point. Depending on the project, contracting work may pose hidden dangers, so it’s paramount that you plan ahead.
Clearing Up Legal Misperception of Reference Checking
When it comes to reference checking, far too many organizations are falling down on their duties. Although organizations shy away from this practice because of uncertainty and misperceptions pertaining to the ever-changing, complex array of employment-related legal risks, reference checking should be a vital part of every strategic hiring process.
Just My Opinion: Micromanaging Supervisors and Employee Turnover
To “Micromanage” based on the Merriam Webster definition: “to manage especially with excessive control or attention to details”
My definition:
Tips For Hiring an Intern Legally
Done correctly, taking on or hiring an intern is a win-win proposition. The students gain valuable work experience and the chance to prove that they’re worth considering for full time work (either at your company or elsewhere).
Supervisor Techniques For Dealing with Difficult Employee Situations
Although all employees tend to put their best faces forward when they are starting a new job, personalities may change as they become more comfortable in the workplace. If you find that you have been charged with the task of managing employees who have become difficult or contrary, it can be stressful. With the right […]
The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting for Employers
Whether you’re a manager interested in boosting productivity or a new parent who wants to find a way to work while spending time at home, telecommuting has become very popular in the workplace. But for employees and employers alike, telecommuting can be challenging;…
Find the Key to Motivated Employees
Imagine what happens when you ask an employee about their grand kids or their upcoming fishing trip or their daughter’s recent wedding. How do they look? It’s likely their face relaxes, a smile appears, and their eyes gleam. What you’re seeing is joy.
Part II- Major Mistakes Businesses Make When Laying Off Workers: Employee and Business Impact
In “Major Mistakes Businesses Make When Laying Off Workers”, I highlighted several layoff horror stories and why it is best to proceed with laying off employees in a way that is thoughtful and respectful of the affected employee. The laid off employee is not the only person negatively affected…
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