My backyard opens up onto a main thoroughfare with a walking path. It’s not a fenced-in yard; and because it is not fenced in, it basically has no boundaries. Some of the teens and even more surprisingly, adults in the neighborhood, have felt emboldened to use the yard as their own personal pass through to […]
Workplace Negativity Is Contagious – Here’s How You Can Control an Outbreak
Problem: You have a negative employee – the office critic – who finds it a challenge to make it through one work day without criticizing your decisions, disparaging colleagues, or complaining about your company’s policies or culture. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there is a fine line between sharing a differing viewpoint […]
Is It Really Better to Avoid Difficult Employee Issues Or Confront Them Head On?
When you are faced with a difficult workplace issue, you know that your staff is watching you; waiting for you to take a stand. They want, no, they need for you to lead. You also know deep down that taking charge and leading; taking back control of an out of control situation is what they […]
Supervisor Techniques For Dealing with Difficult Employee Situations
Although all employees tend to put their best faces forward when they are starting a new job, personalities may change as they become more comfortable in the workplace. If you find that you have been charged with the task of managing employees who have become difficult or contrary, it can be stressful. With the right […]
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