If you manage employees, sooner or later you will be faced with making the very difficult decision to fire an employee for poor performance or some other work related infraction. The decision to fire a worker should not be taken lightly. Think about the following “Do’s and Don’ts” before taking…
Want To Hire The Best? Pick Up The Phone!
Hiring the best employee starts with being proactive on the front end of the pre-hire process. Consider screening candidates by phone first. Face to face interviews should be reserved for only those candidates whose work experience and skills compliment the job that you are trying to fill.
The Advantages of Hiring Older Workers
Savvy employers know that in order to have a broad perspective of experience, and ideas in the workplace, it’s important to hire workers that are not cookie cutter versions of the rest of your staff. This includes taking advantage of the rich resources that older workers can provide to an organization;
Four Important Hiring Tips To Implement Now
Never hired before? Hired before, but could use some help? Implement the tips below to make the process of finding and hiring the best candidates a lot easier. Develop questions that focus on the core skills, competencies and experience that you have identified in your job summary…
An Accusation of Race Discrimination In The Workplace
Marilyn was excited when she first started her job in her town’s high-end day spa one year ago. She noticed that she was the only staff member of color at the spa, but for Marilyn, this was akin to noticing that the sun wasn’t shining today; just an observation.
Animals and Kids: Do They Belong In The Workplace?
Kids and pets. You’ve gotta love ‘em! I’ve consulted with supervisors and their employees on a variety of workplace issues for more years than I care to admit. Several companies later, I’ve learned that each business has its own unique set of workplace challenges and issues,…
Don’t Ever Ask These 5 Interview Questions
Business owners who have the responsibility of hiring staff want to know as much as possible about their potential new hire. We all have a natural need to know not just about the applicant’s work experience, but also their personal interests as a way of determining whether the candidate…
Part II- Major Mistakes Businesses Make When Laying Off Workers: Employee and Business Impact
In “Major Mistakes Businesses Make When Laying Off Workers”, I highlighted several layoff horror stories and why it is best to proceed with laying off employees in a way that is thoughtful and respectful of the affected employee. The laid off employee is not the only person negatively affected…
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