I don’t know too many people who enjoy confrontation. Sometimes it may feel easier to just ignore or excuse a difficult employees’ behavior with the promise to yourself that you’ll deal with your employee’s bad behavior the ‘next time’ the behavior occurs in the workplace.
ESBHR Podcast 1: Premiere Podcast: How I Can Help You With Hiring and Managing Employees
In the premiere episode of Easy Small Business HR’s “Employee Hiring and Managing Podcast, I highlight what you can expect in future episodes. Future podcasts will feature tips on how to effectively find, hire and manage employees. You’ll also get sound and straightforward advice on how to deal with difficult employees. Get the help that […]
10 Helpful Tips When Dealing With Difficult Employees
Confrontation in the workplace in the form of a difficult employee brings with it its own set of unique challenges. Managing difficult employees can be a problem that can leave even the most seasoned manager shaking in their boots. Based on this discomfort, the manager often takes…
Firing Employees: Do’s and Don’ts
If you manage employees, sooner or later you will be faced with making the very difficult decision to fire an employee for poor performance or some other work related infraction. The decision to fire a worker should not be taken lightly. Think about the following “Do’s and Don’ts” before taking…
Three Critical Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Workplace Policies
If you are like many small business owners and supervisors, you likely have not developed any written policies or standards that highlight your expectations for employee behavior or performance in the workplace. You also may subscribe to the school of thought that you don’t need any…
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