Hiring the right people for every open position is critical for any human resource executive, corporate recruiter, and manager. As most employers realize, a bad hire can be detrimental to the success of a company.
What’s Wrong With Performance Reviews & How to Improve Performance Management
If you’re the employer and you’re critiquing your employee one-on-one based on five set levels of performance, you’re shooting yourself — as well as your employee — in the foot.
Tips For Hiring an Intern Legally
Done correctly, taking on or hiring an intern is a win-win proposition. The students gain valuable work experience and the chance to prove that they’re worth considering for full time work (either at your company or elsewhere).
3 Strategies to Help Small Business Owners Address Tardiness
The office culture in any given small business is one of a kind. Part of the romanticism, in fact, of starting a small business, or working for one, is that the constricting rules that apply in the corporate world don’t necessarily apply in the small business.
New Supervisor Survival Tips – How To Supervise Effectively
Transcript of ESBHR Podcast #25: New Supervisor Tips – How To Supervise Listen to the audio. Today’s podcast is based on an article that I wrote for new supervisors. New supervisor tips is a very popular search term on the Easy Small Business website so I wanted to be sure to create a podcast for […]
ESBHR Podcast #25: New Supervisor Tips – How To Supervise
Calling all new supervisors, (and experienced supervisors)! When you are new to supervising employees, learning how to supervise doesn’t always come naturally, but we’re here to help. Podcast Episode #25 focuses on 4 quick tips supervisor tips that will help contribute to your success if you are a new supervisor, and reinforce, or offer different […]
Supervisor Techniques For Dealing with Difficult Employee Situations
Although all employees tend to put their best faces forward when they are starting a new job, personalities may change as they become more comfortable in the workplace. If you find that you have been charged with the task of managing employees who have become difficult or contrary, it can be stressful. With the right […]
Supervisor Responsibilities 101: Tips For New Supervisors
Once you have been promoted to supervisor, you may feel overwhelmed with the new level of responsibility. It’s not uncommon to shift into the role of a new supervisor without any practical knowledge on how to be most effective in the role. Just what does it mean to be a supervisor?
The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting for Employers
Whether you’re a manager interested in boosting productivity or a new parent who wants to find a way to work while spending time at home, telecommuting has become very popular in the workplace. But for employees and employers alike, telecommuting can be challenging;…
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