Here’s an article from the archives that employers in the process of interviewing and hiring will find helpful. Behavioral interviewing if you’re not familiar with it is one of the best ways to ensure that you really understand whether the person that you’re interviewing has the experience that you need for your opening.
The Top 5 Interview Questions For Employers To Ask
Making a decision on whom to hire during the job interview process isn’t an easy task. Finding and hiring the best candidates starts with asking the right interview questions. The five questions highlighted below will help employers to better assess whether a job applicant is a strong potential hire:
HR 101: Interview Lingo: Words You Need to Know – Revisited
Ever wonder what the difference is between “terminating” an employee and “firing” an employee, or if there is any difference at all? Easy Small Business HR’s “HR Dictionary” takes the mystery out some of the human resources jargon by highlighting some of the basic definitions of words most often used by those in the position […]
Why Your Company Needs Job Descriptions, Revisited
How To Write One In Thirty Minutes or Less A job description may seem like an unnecessary step. You know what work you will need for your employee to perform. Does putting the job down on paper really even matter? Absolutely! Five advantages to “putting it in writing”: 1. Job descriptions help you to […]
The Face to Face Interview: Assessing What is Said, (And Not Said)
When you get to the stage of actually interviewing job candidates, it will be important to not only build a rapport with the applicant and ask the right questions but it will also be important to listen to how the applicant responds to your questions. If you developed questions based on…
ESBHR Podcast 14: The Best Reference Questions To Ask For Maximum Results
In this episode, I’ll share with you a list of core reference questions that you should ask about your job candidate and why employment reference check questions are important. Watch the video Read the Transcript
Just My Opinion: Should Companies Not Hire The Unemployed?
The article, “Out Of Work Job Applicants Told Unemployed Need Not Apply” is all the buzz for those who have seen it in HR circles. It was even shared in an HR group that I’m a member of on Linked In. I read the article. It describes how companies are posting job listings with the caveat…
Five Timeless Recruitment and Hiring Tips
The following is an edited article that I wrote in 2009 during the height of the economic downturn. These five recruitment and hiring tips are timeless as well as useful, regardless of the economic climate as you think about your recruitment and hiring processes:
ESBHR Podcast 1: Premiere Podcast: How I Can Help You With Hiring and Managing Employees
In the premiere episode of Easy Small Business HR’s “Employee Hiring and Managing Podcast, I highlight what you can expect in future episodes. Future podcasts will feature tips on how to effectively find, hire and manage employees. You’ll also get sound and straightforward advice on how to deal with difficult employees. Get the help that […]
8 Tips for Hiring and Retaining Diverse Employees
Many managers and business owners understand the value of hiring a diverse group of employees, but aren’t quite sure of the steps that need to be taken towards reaching their goal of an inclusive and diverse workforce. Finding and retaining employees that represent a wide range of diversity…
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