How To Write One In Thirty Minutes or Less A job description may seem like an unnecessary step. You know what work you will need for your employee to perform. Does putting the job down on paper really even matter? Absolutely! Five advantages to “putting it in writing”: 1. Job descriptions help you to […]
8 Tips for Hiring and Retaining Diverse Employees
Many managers and business owners understand the value of hiring a diverse group of employees, but aren’t quite sure of the steps that need to be taken towards reaching their goal of an inclusive and diverse workforce. Finding and retaining employees that represent a wide range of diversity…
December 2009 Unemployment Stats By Gender, Race and Industry
Based on December 2009 stats released by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rates across the nation for adults are still at or near double digits: 10.2% for men compared to 8.2% for women. Broken down by race, unemployment for people of color…
Should Twitter and Facebook Be Part of Your Hiring Decision? What Do Job Seekers Think!
Should you be checking the references of your potential hires using Twitter and Facebook, or the myriad of other social media outlets? This is an extremely controversial topic; especially for those looking for work or contemplating a job change. A short time ago, I shared what I thought would…
Inspirational Business Quotes: Employee Management Words Of Wisdom
Sometimes it is a few simple words that can help us to approach our work differently or change our behavior in ways that allow us to learn and grow. I’ve combined both my all time favorite inspirational quotes, as well as a few of my personal quotes of management wisdom for those…
Want To Hire The Best? Pick Up The Phone!
Hiring the best employee starts with being proactive on the front end of the pre-hire process. Consider screening candidates by phone first. Face to face interviews should be reserved for only those candidates whose work experience and skills compliment the job that you are trying to fill.
The Advantages of Hiring Older Workers
Savvy employers know that in order to have a broad perspective of experience, and ideas in the workplace, it’s important to hire workers that are not cookie cutter versions of the rest of your staff. This includes taking advantage of the rich resources that older workers can provide to an organization;
Four Important Hiring Tips To Implement Now
Never hired before? Hired before, but could use some help? Implement the tips below to make the process of finding and hiring the best candidates a lot easier. Develop questions that focus on the core skills, competencies and experience that you have identified in your job summary…
HR 101: Hiring, Firing and Everything In Between – Terms You Need To Know
Does firing and laying an employee off mean the same thing? What is the difference between on boarding and orienting a new employee? Refer to the definitions that follow to learn more.
Don’t Ever Ask These 5 Interview Questions
Business owners who have the responsibility of hiring staff want to know as much as possible about their potential new hire. We all have a natural need to know not just about the applicant’s work experience, but also their personal interests as a way of determining whether the candidate…
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