I’ve worked as a human resources consultant to managers for over 20 years. Because of my background in HR, I’m often asked questions about how to handle a difficult employee situation, how to best interview, or ways to keep employees engaged. I’m dedicated to providing you…
Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions
Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.
Just My Opinion: Should Companies Not Hire The Unemployed?
The article, “Out Of Work Job Applicants Told Unemployed Need Not Apply” is all the buzz for those who have seen it in HR circles. It was even shared in an HR group that I’m a member of on Linked In. I read the article. It describes how companies are posting job listings with the caveat…
Building a Positive Employer-Employee Relationship
Other than your immediate family, the people that you interact with most frequently are your co-workers. If you are a supervisor, it is your obligation as an employer to maintain positive and supportive relationships in the workplace. Some ways to continually build on your employer…
Guest Post: What Is “A Failure To Implement”?
Today’s post is from guest blogger, Katie Weaver with Awareity. The article focuses on the importance of not only establishing workplace policies and procedures, but making sure that your employees have read and understand your policies. Recently, Awareity’s CEO, Rick Shaw, was asked…
Employee Retention Versus Employee Value
Employee retention is one of those buzz words that is on the mind of many a manager, whose goal is to find ways to keep staff happy and productive. But should you be taking the approach of just simply trying to retain your employees, or, is the right approach to demonstrate…
10 Management Tips For Dealing With Problem Employees
Most employees go to their jobs everyday with the intent of doing their best work within a culture that they feel comfortable being a part of. But for a variety of different reasons, that can range from the justified to the irrational, an employees’ dissatisfaction, frustration, or anger spills over…
Just My Opinion: Stepping Up To The Plate – Dealing With Difficult Employee Issues
I’ve always found it interesting that there are managers who exude confidence when dealing with department heads or other senior leaders. These managers can develop strategic initiatives that take their company to the next level of success. Yet, some of these same managers are…
It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye– Why You Shouldn’t Take Your Employee’s Resignation Personally
Do any of these stories resonate with you? Some managers have difficulty with accepting the fact that an employee chooses to leave. For some, an employee’s decision to end their employment seems to represent some type of a hidden message or indictment on their effectiveness…
Revolving Door Syndrome-Tips on Retaining Your Employees
It’s natural that you’d want to do everything possible to retain employees. Given the amount of time spent finding, hiring and training a new employee, it’s in your best interest to keep employees engaged and interested in your job for as long as is reasonably possible…
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