Though employees may look forward to office parties as a chance to socialize and unwind, management professionals don’t have this luxury. Office parties are still business functions, so it’s important for attendees to act accordingly.
Snowstorms, Car Accidents and Other Mishaps – Handling Unexpected Employee Absences
When employees are unexpectedly absent from work, the company’s productivity suffers. Most employers have an absenteeism policy in place to address issues with employees who miss work or who are habitually late.
What Is Considered a Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) insists that an employer provide an individual with a disability what is termed as ‘reasonable accommodation’ whether the individual is already an employee or applying for employment.
Giving Employees Time Off To Vote– A Manager’s FAQ Guide
It’s voting season and one thing is certain. If you’re an employer you’ll soon hear the inevitable question: “Can I take time off to vote?”
In fact, considering current economic and social conditions, managers and HR personnel across the nation may be hearing that question more frequently than during typical mid-term elections.
The Effect of Micromanaging Supervisors on Employee Turnover and Morale
To micromanage based on the dictionary definition means “to manage especially with excessive control or attention to detail”. I know that you know that but I think it is so important to get that clarity.
ESBHR Podcast #31: The Business Consequences For Not Managing Your Employee’s Attendance
As a supervisor, you can’t turn a blind eye to attendance issues. This HR podcast episode covers the consequences that businesses face when staff attendance issues are not properly managed including:
How to Set a Social Media Policy for Your Staff
Social media has become deeply ingrained in the lives of many individuals since Facebook’s rise to popularity, serving as a primary point of contact for friends and family in many instances. This leaves many companies in a precarious situation.
Hiring Relatives for Your Small Business- Nepotism or Just Good Business Sense?
If you own a small business, chances are good that you have hired or at least considered hiring family members. Is hiring relatives a good business move, or is it just plain old fashioned nepotism that can cause problems within the company?
Should Your Intuition Influence Your Hiring Decision?
You stare at a resume or walk out of an interview and you have a feeling about this person. Your gut instinct is a firm “yes” or maybe a definite “no”.
Should you always “go with your gut” when hiring a new employee? What’s the harm?
How Employee Health and Wellbeing Can Impact the Work Environment
Employees are feeling the pinch of the double-dip recession, putting in longer hours and skipping lunches. However all of these extra hours are not making employees more productive; instead they are worn out and disillusioned by the mounting work.
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