Businesses should take note from the hard lesson learned from one Las Vegas business about how sexual harassment of employees should not be tolerated in the workplace. The following article was published on the KNXT News Radio website, ( which highlighted a recent…
Should Twitter and Facebook Be Part of Your Hiring Decision? What Do Job Seekers Think!
Should you be checking the references of your potential hires using Twitter and Facebook, or the myriad of other social media outlets? This is an extremely controversial topic; especially for those looking for work or contemplating a job change. A short time ago, I shared what I thought would…
Firing Employees: Do’s and Don’ts
If you manage employees, sooner or later you will be faced with making the very difficult decision to fire an employee for poor performance or some other work related infraction. The decision to fire a worker should not be taken lightly. Think about the following “Do’s and Don’ts” before taking…
Three Critical Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Workplace Policies
If you are like many small business owners and supervisors, you likely have not developed any written policies or standards that highlight your expectations for employee behavior or performance in the workplace. You also may subscribe to the school of thought that you don’t need any…
Employee Management Checklist: The Top Five Best Management Practices
Whether you’re a business owner with employees, or a supervisor charged with managing staff, incorporating these top five employee best management practices into your daily interaction with employees will help make both your job and that of your staff a lot easier.
3 Money Saving Strategies To Implement Now To Avoid Laying Off Employees
In this uncertain economy, many small businesses are forced to lay off workers in order to save money. Sometimes, laying off employees is the only alternative; especially for smaller businesses with slimmer profit margins. Before taking such a critical step, carefully analyze whether…
Firing Problem Employees: Supervisor Guidelines
Have you ever hired the “perfect” employee only to discover that your perfect hire was a perfect disaster? Are you faced with an employee who continues to make mistakes even after repeated training, or, with an employee who is rude to customers? Maybe you have experienced an…
Animals and Kids: Do They Belong In The Workplace?
Kids and pets. You’ve gotta love ‘em! I’ve consulted with supervisors and their employees on a variety of workplace issues for more years than I care to admit. Several companies later, I’ve learned that each business has its own unique set of workplace challenges and issues,…
HR 101: Hiring, Firing and Everything In Between – Terms You Need To Know
Does firing and laying an employee off mean the same thing? What is the difference between on boarding and orienting a new employee? Refer to the definitions that follow to learn more.
HR 101: Resumes, Job Applications, and Offer Letters –Terms You Need To Know
What’s the difference between an acceptance letter and a job offer letter? A functional resume versus a chronological resume? Need more human resources definitions? Check out the HR Dictionary at
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