How To Write One In Thirty Minutes or Less A job description may seem like an unnecessary step. You know what work you will need for your employee to perform. Does putting the job down on paper really even matter? Absolutely! Five advantages to “putting it in writing”: 1. Job descriptions help you to […]
How to Write a Job Description in 3 Easy Steps
Transcript of ESBHR Podcast #5: How to Write a Job Description in 3 Easy Steps. Listen to the audio It is important to have job descriptions despite the size of your business. I can’t tell you how often I’ve worked on issues between managers and employees that centered on a lack of communication about what was […]
ESBHR Podcast 5: How To Write A Job Description In 3 Easy Steps
A job description can be an essential tool when hiring employees as part of the job interview process. A clearly written job description is also one of several ways to help you to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings of what is required of your employees once hired. In podcast episode #5, “How To Write A […]
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