If you manage employees, sooner or later you will be faced with making the very difficult decision to fire an employee for poor performance or some other work related infraction. The decision to fire a worker should not be taken lightly. Think about the following “Do’s and Don’ts” before taking…
Want To Hire The Best? Pick Up The Phone!
Hiring the best employee starts with being proactive on the front end of the pre-hire process. Consider screening candidates by phone first. Face to face interviews should be reserved for only those candidates whose work experience and skills compliment the job that you are trying to fill.
Employee Management Checklist: The Top Five Best Management Practices
Whether you’re a business owner with employees, or a supervisor charged with managing staff, incorporating these top five employee best management practices into your daily interaction with employees will help make both your job and that of your staff a lot easier.
Firing Problem Employees: Supervisor Guidelines
Have you ever hired the “perfect” employee only to discover that your perfect hire was a perfect disaster? Are you faced with an employee who continues to make mistakes even after repeated training, or, with an employee who is rude to customers? Maybe you have experienced an…
Major Mistakes Businesses Make When Laying Off Employees, Part I
Laying off workers for financial reasons or because of a change in how the work gets done within a company is an unavoidable necessity for many businesses. For those employers in this unenviable position, matters are often made worse by not having a thoughtful process in place before…
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