Employees can make or break your business.
It only takes one outstanding employee to engage clients and customers in a way that brings them back to your business time and time again and one mediocre employee to drive those very same customers away from your products and services and straight into the waiting arms of your competition.
Can your company afford to invest the time and money needed to re-build your company image and develop new relationships in order to counteract the loss in customer sales and trust? Once you’ve lost clients because of a tasteless interaction with staff or because of an avoidable mistake, there is often no way to regain their confidence in your company.

Working on improving employee engagement?
EPIC is an Employee Engagement software that gives you the tools and insights to create a workplace culture that encourages engagement, loyalty, and trust.
Loss in consumer trust and potential sales are two good reasons that are likely already on your radar that makes it a business imperative that you have the best people on board, yet it is not always easy to find the best people for your job openings. If you have been able to identify and hire the right employee, it can be even harder to keep these employees motivated and engaged.
The Business News Daily has five employee retention strategies to consider that will help you fight the good fight when it comes to reducing employee turnover of your top staff:
From: Want to Keep Your Best Employees? Do These 5 Things
1. Have a purpose that is bigger than your company. Make a difference in the world. Employees who find meaning in their work are more likely to work hard and stay loyal to the company. A mission of corporate social responsibility resonates particularly well with Generation Y.
2. Aggressively pursue great culture. Paying attention to your workspace is an easy way to impact culture. Everything from the colors, artwork, music and layout of furniture will set the tone for the type of behavior you want to foster. Make the office an enjoyable place to spend time by incorporating meaningful, fun and team-building activities. Potluck lunches and happy hours are great ways to bring your team together to connect on a personal level. [How to Help Employees Love Their Jobs]
3. Make your space matter. Offering a variety of spaces and surfaces shows that you recognize that not everyone works and creates in the same way, and that you’re willing to make adjustments to better accommodate your team. For example, you can provide options like standing desks and lounge settings in addition to the traditional desk setting.
4. Recognize the importance of remote work capabilities. Sixty-five percent of Americans report that their job allows them to work remotely, and many workers have come to expect it. Employees appreciate the opportunity to work from home or a coffee shop and get around the rigid 9-to-5 schedule.
5. Demonstrate that work is part of your life — not your entire life. In a wireless world, it’s difficult to ever truly leave work. Make sure your employees understand that the company values them and wants them to be happy in all aspects of their lives, even if that means taking nights and weekends completely off. You can also encourage employees to include their personal lives at work, whether it’s bringing their pet into the office or having an occasional visit from their families.
Dianne Shaddock
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