Transcript of ESBHR Podcast 16: Retaining a Diverse Workforce, Part II
Listen to the audio.
In today’s article, I’ll share ideas on how to keep the diverse employees that you have.

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You’ll learn as I go over this information with you that many of these tips can easily be applied to all types of employees; and should be applied to all of your employees.
But, there are some things that are specific to diverse populations that are important to remember.
These tips will be brief, but there are 3 articles that you’ll find extremely helpful that dive into a lot more detail on how to manage a diverse workforce and cultural differences in the workplace.
I’ve included links to these articles in the podcast show notes on this site. Just go to the podcast “Retaining a Diverse Workforce”, and click on the links for the following articles:
“Managing a Multicultural Workforce”.
“Understanding Cultural Differences in the Workplace”.
The third article that you may find helpful, is a hypothetical case study on how the little things can be perceived as slights from someone who is of a different race or ethnicity. I’ve added a link in the show notes for this podcast to this article which is titled:
“An Accusation of Race Discrimination”
Now here are 7 tips on how to retain a Diverse Workforce:
1. Make sure that you orient all new employees by ensuring that they are introduced to key staff across the organization. It’s a courtesy that goes a long way in making employees feel welcome.
2. Share with them the often overlooked, but important information on the mission and culture of the business and the role that they others play to support the company mission and culture.
3. Be sure to include your new employees in workplace activities and initiatives as appropriate by making sure that they are invited to office or company events; being mindful of inviting your employees early, (and not at the last minute. No one wants to feel like a 3rd wheel.
4. Many managers are becoming more aware of the importance of diversity in the workplace. Become more in tune to cultural and communication differences. Take the time to learn or research the impact that cultural and communication differences may have in the workplace.
The article that I referenced earlier, “Understanding Cultural Differences in the Workplace” does a great job at highlighting what some of these cultural differences might be.
5. Meet with all of your employees in order to get a sense of what they like about the organization, or what they feel can be done better. This can be done quite easily through surveys and focus groups.
6. As employees leave your company, meet with them to learn about their experience and use the information to help you to approach new ways of recruiting and retaining employees.
7. Provide mentorship opportunities for employees so that they are exposed to individuals at all levels of the organization.
Mentorships don’t need to be formal in nature. Encourage all employees to be collaborative and available to answer questions and be supportive of their colleagues, regardless of their position in the company.
Dianne Shaddock
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