Does this ring true? You are in your element it comes to starting and growing a small business, but you feel less than confident with your employee management skills.
There is a cliché that entrepreneurs are only good at starting a business but not with managing employees as their business grows. Once your company starts to expand and you need to hire staff, you may find that it is difficult to juggle the business demands with managing a team. You may even feel more comfortable focusing on the business operations and strategy and want to avoid managing altogether. While you are building your business, you will need to be hands on and manage your staff until you are able to hire someone to focus on the supervision of staff.
Be prepared and learn how to manage smart by understanding some of the strategies that will help you to manage effectively.

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From: Seven Ways To Be A Smarter Manager
1. Reward results
Smart working focuses on results and productivity, as opposed to the hours clocked up. Managers need to stop looking at what time their employee is leaving the office and focus instead on what they are achieving. “Why should someone work hard if they are getting paid by the hour?” asks Peter Thomson, a fellow of Henley Business School. He says business owners need to focus on results and success rather than face time. “Paying for hours is dumb working as it encourages low productivity,” he adds.
2. Be flexible
One of the big benefits of flexible hours is that it means staff can avoid the busy, stressful commute. Thomson argues that this can benefit employers, too. “We’ve tended to look at home working and flexible working as an employee benefit, but what it should be about is having more productive employees. If it takes someone an hour to get to work and an hour back, that’s 10 hours a week of unproductive time, and they will be more stressed by the journey,” he says.
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Dianne Shaddock
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